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Monday, March 8, 2010

Heads of Houston

Tucked in the corners of our massive city are an array of artistic treasures. The Orange Show, the peeled banana that changes color every six months, and the glass house hidden away in Houston's historic Heights. But those design marvels are for another day. Today is all about what I call the "Heads of Houston." Off of I-45 heading into downtown and on a desolate patch of 288 south are the large busts of a variety of our nations Presidents. It's hard to appreciate the detail put into these figures as you whiz by going 70 on the highway which makes the experience of visiting David Adickes' studio that much better.

Within the confines of the studio grounds are about 25 busts averaging at approximately 25 feet in height. LBJ, Roosevelt, Clinton, and Van Buren (chops and all),among others, stare back at you with impeccable realism. But Americas political leaders aren't the only representations that occupy the grounds. The towering Beatles sculptures dwarf those of the presidents and are done more in the style of Adickes' downtown sculpture "The Virtuoso."

David Adickes' Studio, SculpturWorx, is located on 2500 Summer St. just south of Washington Avenue. A great place to take in some local art produced by a Texas staple. And it's FREE so no excuses!!